Resident Questions for Housing Area Panel


Reference: W3.7 

Question Title

Three Star Items

Date question raised


Week of Area Panel


Area in city


Star rating applied by residents

3 stars – city wide

Deadline for officer response

9am on 19th January

Name of officer responding

Sam Warren

Officer job title

Community Engagement Manager

Resident Question


At the last West Area Panel the Chair noted that 3-star items from other Areas are presented at Area Panels for information only and not discussion.


3-star items are issues raised by different Areas that are of concern to all residents across the city. If these never get considered by all Areas across the city, it’s not clear what being a 3 star ‘city-wide’ item means.

Due to time constraints and the amount on the agendas, it is difficult to develop discussions and explore issues in any detail at Area Panels. This is a limitation on their value as part of the resident involvement process.

Action requested:

Can these concerns be fed into the Area Panel review and future discussions on resident involvement?

Officer Response

Officer contact details:

Sam Warren


Officer Response:

3 star residents’ questions are issues that are considered to be city wide or strategic and relevant to all areas.


The Chairs of the Area Panels will generally ask the members of the panel if they have any thoughts or comments and if they are happy with the written response from the officer. As part of the Area Panel review there is a proposal to limit the number of 3-star questions at each panel to 5. However, when there is a need to discuss an item in detail, this still can take some time and it is not always possible to discuss every question in detail in a 2-hour time slot. For this reason, we try to put the detail into the written reply, so every question does not need a full discussion.  At the agenda setting meetings the Chair and Vice Chair will consider which questions may need longer to be discussed so they are able to manage the timing of the meeting. With the other questions residents will be asked if they are satisfied with the response. If there are issues that are unresolved or not discussed in full due to time constraints they can be added to the next agenda and/or the action log.


If residents have some thoughts about other ways to manage the time pressures within the meeting, please do contact the Community Engagement Team as we are always willing to listen and try out new ideas.




Start date:


End date:
